Central Office
Gifted & Talented Service Design
Students in HPS GATE Program are offered the following services, based on the needs of each campus at the discretion of GATE Committee:
- Core Subject Differentiation
- Pull-Out Services
- Custom Day Services
- GATE sections
- Summer Camps/Internships
- Advanced Academics/PBL
- Independent Study
- Push-In
- Cluster Grouping
- Extracurricular Activities
For more information, review the GATE handbook Pages 5&6
Gifted & Talented Education (GATE) Handbook
Summary of GATE Modules offered by Harmony campuses
A flexible system of viable service options provides a research based learning continuum that is developed and consistently implemented throughout the district to meet the needs and reinforce the strengths and interests of GT students.
- K-5 Modules
- In Class GT extensions/enrichment activities/differentiation
- GT Centers (K-2)
- Co-teaching during regular instructional time
- Small group instruction scheduling - "8th Period"
- GT cluster grouping
- Pull outs
- Independent Study
- Acceleration
- In Class GT extensions/enrichment activities/differentiation
- 6-8 Modules
- In Class GT extension/enrichment activities/differentiation
- GT cluster grouping
- STEM Electives
- Pull outs
- Independent Study
- Acceleration
- Advanced authentic practice and research
- Mentoring (Counseling/support)
- Pre-AP courses
- 9-12 Modules
- GT College and Career Counseling
- Advanced authentic practice and research
- Acceleration
- Independent Study
- Module Boosters
- Academic clubs and competitions after school
- Service learning opportunities
- Volunteer opportunities
- Summer programs and camps
- Leadership roles on campus