Students may be referred by:
- Parent(s)
- Teacher(s)
- Peer(s)
- Campus staff
- And/or themselves
Referral forms must be completed by the individual who refers the child. Parents must give written consent that the student can be screened, assessed, and evaluated. Any testing and identification will be completed according to the Harmony assessment and identification schedule. No student may be denied access to Gifted and Talented (G/T) Programs on the basis of race, creed, or handicapping conditions.
Harmony Public Schools have two referral windows each year: September and January
September |
January |
Fall referral month for NEWLY enrolled and Kindergarten students |
Spring referral month for ALL students |
HPS G/T referral announcements will be posted on the campus websites. For more information about the screening and identification process, parents may contact the school's GT coordinator or GT coach/teacher.