Child Nutrition
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Child Nutrition is pleased to offer parents comprehensive access to lunch balances, payments, eligibility application, and more through SchoolCafé.
To create a parent account, click on the School Cafe logo, after reading the following instructions:
1) Click on "Create Account":
2)Register as a parent, and click on “Next”:
3) Select “Texas” from the drop down box. Then type in the city of your district office location, and select the district from the drop down box. If you are unsure of the name of your district, click HERE to see a list of schools and the associated district. After you have selected the district from the drop down box, click “Next”:
4) Enter the contact information for the parent:
5) Set up user credentials:
6) Accept the terms & conditions then create account:
7) Begin by adding your students:
8) Enter your child’s student ID and select the school attended. If you don’t know your child’s ID number, you may log into Skyward and find it under Student Profile. If you need assistance, call the school. After entering the ID number and school, click on “Search and Verify Student.” Once their name appears, click on “Add this student”:
9)Continue to add students enrolled in Harmony Public Schools until they have all been entered. Do not add students enrolled in other ISD’s.
10) When first logging in to School Café, you will see a summary of each of your children’s accounts. From this screen you may set up automatic payments and low balances alerts. You may also click on “Purchase History” to view meal history:
11) Select “Payments & Purchases” to make a payment, set up automatic payments, manage payment sources, and view purchase history: