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College and Career Success


To build a strong and sustainable college and career bound atmosphere throughout our schools by connecting our students with our alumni and increasing their career, leadership, social and emotional readiness.


To raise responsible, caring, and productive citizens who are college, career, and life ready.


  • To build a sustainable college bound school culture that promotes the importance of higher education by linking Harmony students with Harmony alumni.

  • To create a smooth transition from high school to college for Harmony seniors by providing engagement and networking opportunities with alumni.

  • To help and support Harmony alumni in an effort to increase Harmony’s college enrollment and completion rates.
  • To build a sustainable college bound school culture that promotes the importance of higher education by linking Harmony students with Harmony alumni.
  • To create a smooth transition from high school to college for Harmony seniors by providing engagement and networking opportunities with alumni
  • To help and support Harmony alumni in an effort to increase Harmony’s college enrollment and completion rates.
-To foster a network of successful alumni whom future alumni and students will be able to access and depend on.


The College Transition Program is designed to link graduating Harmony seniors to current college attendees, bridging the educational achievement gap among underserved communities statewide. Harmony Public Schools serves a large population of first generation college students and works to ensure they receive the support and encouragement needed to successfully complete their higher education. During the program, students participate in informative and interactive activities within a collaborative environment.

Senior College Transition Events Jan - May

Organized by Harmony Alumni College Student Organizations

The Harmony Alumni College Student Organizations -- or HACSOs -- invite all seniors to college transition events during the months of April and May to help them decide on which college or university to attend. These events offer support for newcomers and build relationships that increase the likelihood of successful graduating. The nine HACSO clubs stationed at colleges and universities throughout Texas are run by dedicated Harmony alumni who are committed to helping incoming freshmen increase their college and career preparedness.

  • Individual college transition advising
  • Pre-college orientation by Alumni College Student Organizations
  • Senior-Alumni college networking event
  • College transition workshops for seniors
  • College panel


Summer Melt Program Jun - Aug
  • Summer Melt refers to the difference between the number of college-intending high school graduates and the number of students who actually enroll in any post-secondary educational program the fall following graduation.

    The American Graduation Initiative
The United States used to lead the world in the number of 25- to 34-year-olds with college degrees. Now it ranks 12th among 36 developed nations. The U.S. Department of Education is calling for five million more college graduates by 2020 to regain our global lead in educational attainment.

    Summer Melt Students
  • Met all graduation requirements
  • Took their SAT.
  • Took advanced coursework in high school
  • Applied for financial aid
  • Been admitted to a college or university


Summer Melt Reduction Strategies

Harmony Public Schools follows the strategies suggested by Harvard University listed below to reduce Summer Melt among our campuses.

College Transition Advisors meet with seniors over the summer Send reminders through social media and text messaging Collect senior exit surveys Connect Harmony seniors with Harmony alumni via engagement opportunities Organize summer bridge programs Follow a college specific checklist

Fall College Check-Ins Sep - Oct
  • Visit incoming freshmen in college to ensure enrollment
  • Connect freshmen with alumni during their most crucial year in college
  • Frequent involvement with Harmony alumni organizations to increase our seniors’ self-efficacy and motivation.

Harmony Honors Scholarship

Harmony Public Schools (“HPS”), a non-profit educational organization operating high performing K–12 college preparatory charter schools in the state of Texas, intends to offer scholarships to HPS graduates. These scholarships, known as a Harmony Honors Scholarship (“HHS”), are offered to eligible HPS graduates pursuing an undergraduate degree from a college or university ranked 1-100 in the annual US News & World Report “Best Colleges” publication. Under the HHS program, HPS graduates who demonstrate excellent and outstanding academic achievement and gain admission to an approved college, and who meet certain eligibility requirements set by HPS, may be awarded a scholarship valued at $1,000 per academic year(consisting of a $500 installment in the Fall semester and a $500 installment in the Spring semester).

Grow Your Own Teacher Program

The mission of HPS is to prepare students for academic success in their future education, enable students to have a broad spectrum of options for their future endeavors, and to prepare them to be effective, responsible, and productive citizens.

In support of this mission and vision, the HPS Board of Directors has established the Grow Your Own Teacher Educational Assistance Program (“the GYOT Program”), which identifies and supports students and graduates of the HPS program, assisting them in attaining an undergraduate degree and a Texas teaching certificate, and then returning them to HPS in an instructional capacity that uses their experience and success in the HPS program to deliver high quality instruction to HPS students.