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Celebrating Two Decades of Excellence: Our STEM Journey Unveiled

Discover a world where STEM is more

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Celebrating Two Decades of Excellence: Our STEM Journey Unveiled

Discover a world where STEM is more

Join The Journey


Empowering Tomorrow's Innovators

Stem Focus

STEM majors and career pathways
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Inclusive Innovation

Access to cutting-edges for all

Curriculum Enrichment

Innovation labs for teachers and curriculum enrichment


Only K-12 school offering STEM during instructional time

Inclusive STEM Curriculum:
Pioneering Education          For All


STEM SOS is a rigorous, interdisciplinary, standards-focused, and engaging STEM teaching approach that is teacher-facilitated, student-centered and directed through sets of project- and inquiry-based (P&IBL) projects.

This new PBL approach is to maintain the focus on standards-based teaching while enriching and extending the learning of students through PBL projects. The goal is to promote not only collaborative skills and student ownership of learning but also to promote student success in state and national standards.


Cutting-Edge Facilities: Fostering Exploration and Discovery


Innovative Atmosphere

Top-Notch Technology

Collaborative Environment

Focused on Student Safety

Transformative STEM Experiences:
All Year-Long


IT's A GATEWAY TO Limitless Possibilities

From campus STEM festivals to math competitions, Harmony celebrates STEM More than any other district in the state of Texas.

Our students Achieve and Succeed More, opening More pathways and creating a More Inclusive and Collaborative environment for all.

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